The Harvest Festival at the Rhode Island International Film Festival


Last night we had the world premiere of our short film "The Harvest Festival" (aka Honen Matsuri) at the RIIFF in Providence.  The film is a behind-the-scenes look at the annual fertility festival in Komaki, Japan, and was cut from extra footage that we shot during the making of "The Dickumentary".  Although a few of the shots are present in both films, most of the footage of "The Harvest Festival" is totally different -- as is the approach to storytelling.  Instead of using voiceover, the film quietly observes the preparations and ceremonies being carried out.We probably would not have had enough material to cut a separate film had it not been for our producer in Japan, Tadashi Mitsui, who traveled from New York with us to coordinate and translate.  He did both wonderfully, pushing to get us unlimited access to all facets of the unfolding pageantry.  Although he could not join us for the screening in Providence, I made sure during the Q&A to mention his important contribution to the film.The other key figures who must be mentioned: Joshua Green, for his spot on musical compositions, and Evan Manners who recorded the location sound and did double duty with an excellent sound mix.  We're looking forward to more festival dates down the road.TheHarvestFestival_BellStreetChapel_FlickersRhodeIsland TheHarvestFestival_FlickersRhodeIsland TheHarvestFestival_FlickersRhodeIsland2


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